Executive Board Members 2025
The board is made up of volunteers who work hard to organize an enjoyable season for all. As such, emails that are sent to sgsa.executive@gmail.com will be monitored and responded to as able.
President/Coach Contact - Paul Turenne
Treasurer - Open
Secretary - Tara Turenne
Jerseys/Equipment - Paul & Tara Turenne
Registrar - Amy Obirek Blatz
Tournament Contact - Paul Turenne
Umpire Contact - Paul Turenne
Clinics - Paul Turenne
It takes a community of people for the season to run smoothly and we are ALWAYS looking for those who are willing and able to help. If you have an interest in promoting and helping us train up some new softball stars in our community please contact us and we will get the ball rolling!
U11 Pre-Season Camp
Woodlawn Elementary School
Pre-Season Camps.
U13 Pre-Season Camp
Woodlawn Elementary School
Pre-Season Camps.
U11 Pre-Season Camp
Woodlawn Elementary School
Pre-Season Camps.